Communication Works

It’s too late to plan for a crisis when you hear the sirens! (1 day)

What’s covered in this training?

Understanding the complexity that surrounds communicating with stakeholders during and after crises is an area that organisations ignore at their peril.  Every week there are examples of corporate crises where organisations and those representing them fail to recognise that crises are about the ‘intangible': people, their emotions and relationships, in addition to being about ‘tangible' financial assets.  Whether it's an act of God - an earthquake, or an ethical failure on behalf of the company/organisation, stakeholders will form lasting impressions about an organisation based on the corporate response during and after a crisis.  If a company's communication does not meet the stakeholders' expectations, the negative effects on the organisation's image and reputation can be irreparable.  Conversely, a crisis that is handled in an empathetic and ethically responsible manner accrues enormously valuable goodwill for the organisation.

This training provides you with a strategic, PR communication plan to address how to communicate effectively with your stakeholders (employees, clients, community and media) during and after a crisis.

At the end of this training you will:

  • understand and use the cardinal rule when communicating during a crisis
  • apply strategic communication principles to communicating with your stakeholders
  • have a crisis communication plan tailored specifically for your organisation
  • understand the role of the media in a crisis
  • recognise how to communicate with, and through the media during a crisis so that your organisation retains its credibility and reputation.

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